2020-2021 Winter Ozone Season Officially Over

by | Mar 17, 2021 | News | 0 comments

It was a relatively uneventful winter ozone season in the Uintah Basin and Bingham Research Center Director Dr. Seth Lyman has declared the 2020-2021 season officially over. “Our monitoring team traditionally counts March 15th as the end of the winter ozone season,” shares Lyman. “We had two ozone exceedance days this winter, both of them at the Ouray station, with no exceedances at any other station.” An ozone exceedance day is defined as a day with an 8-hour average ozone that exceeded 70 parts per billion. With the season over, the ozone alert email program will be shut down until next winter when it will start up again usually around the first part of December. You can view real-time air quality data for the entire Basin at any time at ubair.usu.edu

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