Positive News Concerning Interior Drilling Permit Decisions

by | Mar 16, 2021 | News | 0 comments

While there are still plenty of roadblocks for the oil and gas industry due to the Biden Executive Orders, an announcement this week actually comes as positive news. According to Bloomberg First Word, an order making top Interior Department officials in charge of decisions about drilling permits is about to expire and is not expected to be renewed. The article stated that Interior spokesman Tyler Cherry shared that “with the expiration of the 60-day order, career officials at the Bureau of Land Management will process drilling permits and other activities on valid, existing leases in a timely manner.” The agency will also provide monthly updates on pending and approved drilling permits. The article also shared the following statement from BLM deputy director Nada Culver: “This new resource begins a more transparent effort to show our work, including the significant time it can take to review complex or incomplete applications to ensure oil and gas development will be done in an environmentally sound and responsible manner.” 

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