Congressman Moore Introduces National Medal of Honor Monument Act

by | Mar 10, 2021 | News | 0 comments

Utah District 1 Congressmen Blake Moore and Texas Congressman Marc Veasey has introduced the National Medal of Honor Monument Act aimed at the creation of a new monument recognizing Medal of Honor recipients. In a Tuesday press release, Moore shares the importance of this Act. “I’m proud to cosponsor legislation that will begin the process of elevating the Medal of Honor to its proper place in our nation’s capital,” said Congressman Moore. “The giants of our republic are immortalized in Washington, D.C., and the unparalleled courage demonstrated by Medal of Honor recipients deserves permanent recognition so future generations continue to understand the sacrifices that have given us our freedoms.” In the press release it explains that the Medal of Honor is the United States’ highest military decoration and is awarded to U.S. service members who have distinguished themselves with extraordinary acts of valor. It is awarded very rarely and only to those whose service and sacrifice far exceed the call of duty. 

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