UBAOG Encourage Businesses to Apply for CDBG COVID Relief Grants

by | Mar 9, 2021 | News | 0 comments

The Uintah Basin Association of Governments wants to help more local businesses strained by the COVID-19 pandemic through the Community Development Block Grant. Grants will be between $5,000 and $10,000 and can be used toward rent and utilities, payroll, outstanding debt, other immediate operational costs, and cleaning and disinfecting. The businesses must be located and registered in Daggett, Duchesne, or Uintah County and have had a business license as of April 1st, 2020. Preference will be given to businesses that experienced interruption caused by a required closure, businesses that have been negatively impacted by the pandemic, businesses that have not received other recovery grant funding, and farmers and ranchers that experienced loss due to COVID-19. Grants are being awarded on a first come first serve basis. Only one grant will be awarded per person or business. No real estate, property management or related field companies qualify for the grant and applications may be rejected. Learn more and fill out the application online today at https://www.ubaog.org/cdbg-business-grants.

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