Register Today: Learn How to Earn a UBTech Certificate as a High School Student

by | Mar 9, 2021 | News | 0 comments

If you are or if you have a high school student in your household listen up. UBTech is hosting a free event to help all local Juniors and Seniors learn what they need to do to get started on or complete one or more UBTech certificates while in school. High school students do not have to pay tuition to take the UBTech courses and even Seniors about to graduate can apply for scholarships to cover a large portion or even all of the tuition cost this summer even after they’ve graduated. Stephanie Carter, UBTech Associate Vice President of Public Relations, explains that this event is focused on high school Juniors and Seniors because that is who has the most flexibility in their school schedules but students even in the summer leading up to their Freshman year of high school can start taking courses. “There is such a huge variety of what is offered that we want them to come and see the experience that you can have at UBTech,” shares Carter. “Sometimes students think they know everything offered but there is so much opportunity they don’t know about that is worth checking out now.” Register today for the UBTech Junior and Senior Parent Night at The event for the Roosevelt Campus is March 10th and the event for the Vernal Campus is March 18th. In person and virtual appointments are available. 

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