‘Vernal Parents For Education’ Want Uintah Schools Switched to Semester Block

by | Mar 8, 2021 | News | 0 comments

Change can be hard but a group of local parents believe the challenge of change would be worth it in the form of student benefits if Uintah School District changed from a Trimester schedule to a Semester Block schedule. The group created a website called www.VernalParentsForEducation.com and a Vernal Parents For Education Facebook group where they have shared their reasons for the proposed changes. The Facebook page has also become a place to read alternate perspectives on the pros and cons of the differing schedules as well as comments made by those for and against the change. The group has created a survey to gauge interest levels and perspective in the community and as of Sunday night had seen the survey make wide reach but they are hoping for more input. The parents group has been grateful for the response and input as they prepare to make their case to the Uintah School Board for a switch to a Semester Block schedule during their regularly scheduled March 10th Board meeting, this time held at Eagle View Elementary. The group visited the  Newstalk 104.5 FM KVEL studio on February 22nd to discuss the change as well. That interview can be accessed at www.BasinNow.com by clicking on Public Affairs under the Community tab. Also anyone willing can scroll to the bottom of www.VernalParentsForEducation.com to take the quick survey that the group plans to share during the school board meeting on Wednesday.

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