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Roosevelt Christian Assembly Church Could Use Some Help Following Flood

by | Mar 4, 2021 | News | 0 comments

Donations are graciously being accepted after it was found that the Roosevelt Christian Assembly church building suffered major damage after recent flooding. “As volunteers and church members started tearing away at the damage, it was revealed that the damage had a ripple effect throughout the majority of the structure itself,” shares church member John Hatch. “Carpeting, drywall, flooring, walls, etc were damaged beyond repair. Some members of the Roosevelt community have been generous and made donations but there is still much work to be done and funding is running out.” Many in the Uintah Basin know Pastor Dee Cairoli for his generosity and love for all. Now is a chance to help him and his congregation as they race to repair damage and find ways to fund it all. An account has been set up at Mountain America Credit Union under ‘Roosevelt Christian Assembly Building fund’. If you are able to donate it is very much appreciated!

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