Wyoming Game and Fish Plan in Case of Invasive Mussels in Flaming Gorge

by | Feb 15, 2021 | News | 0 comments

Wyoming Game and Fish is finalizing a response plan aimed at battling zebra and quagga mussels in Flaming Gorge Reservoir if the need ever arises. The response plan will only go into effect if invasive mussels are detected. If mussels were detected, boaters could expect immediate changes including closing the reservoir to all shore launching as well as some boat ramps, limit launching from the remaining ramps, establishing exit check stations, and required inspections. “Wyoming has been working hard for over a decade to keep aquatic invasive species out of Wyoming. We have been successful with the public’s help stopping at checkstations and making sure to clean, drain, dry,”  said Alan Osterland, chief of fisheries. “Keeping our state free of AIS like zebra and quagga mussels is a top priority of Game and Fish. If detected in Wyoming’s waters, they could have catastrophic impacts to the water, the biodiversity of the area, recreation and even municipalities. A mussel infestation will also be very expensive to Wyoming and our residents,” Osterland said. Feedback can be submitted until March 1st. 

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