Vernal Area Chamber Signs Letter Supporting COVID-19 Liability Protections

by | Feb 3, 2021 | News | 0 comments

Hundreds of Chambers of Commerce and business organizations around the country have united in a cause and the Vernal Area Chamber of Commerce is among them. The Vernal Chamber added its name to a Coalition letter addressed to the members of the United States Congress urging them to include liability protections in the next COVID-19 relief package. In the letter it explains that the protections are aimed to “help safeguard educational institutions, healthcare providers, businesses and non-profit organizations from unfair lawsuits.” The letter also states that “ensuring a bright post-pandemic future for our country’s healthcare, business, and non-profit communities is a bipartisan objective…In the wake of prior crises,” shares the letter, “Congress came together to pass needed liability protections with strong bipartisan support because lawmakers understood the acute threat of lawsuits at moments of maximum economic vulnerability.” The Coalition says that that threat is present again now and as a result Congress must act to prevent an influx of lawsuits.

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