CPW Approve Plan to Reintroduce Wolves in Colorado by 10-1 Vote

by | Jan 18, 2021 | News | 0 comments

The Colorado Parks and Wildlife Commission issued a press release concerning plans moving forward with the introduction of wolves to Colorado. During a virtual meeting on January 14th, they provided CPW staff with direction to begin creating a robust, adaptive management plan to reintroduce wolves in Colorado with a 10-1 majority vote. “We have direction from the voters of Colorado to develop a reintroduction and management plan for gray wolves as transparently and as expeditiously as possible,” said CPW Director Dan Prenzlow. “This authorizes us to move forward in a phased approach that will allow us to be both efficient and flexible as we enact the plan. We will introduce wolves in Colorado no later than December 31st, 2023.” CPW Assistant Director for Aquatics, Terrestrial and Natural Resources Reid DeWalt presented a series of action items for the plan in his presentation to the Commission. “Our first steps will be to begin a thorough stakeholder engagement process across Colorado to ensure robust participation and input…,” DeWalt said. 

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