It’s onward and upward in Daggett County. Public officials were sworn in, each to 4-year-terms, including Commissioner Matt Tippets, Commissioner Randy Asay, Clerk Brian Raymond, Recorder/Treasurer Brianne Carter, and Assessor Lesa Asay. County Attorney Niel Lund was unable to attend the ceremony and was sworn in virtually. The Daggett County Commission reported in the Flaming Gorge Gazette that they are currently in the process of creating a local District to provide fire protection, paramedic and emergency services for the unincorporated area of Daggett County. “We have adopted the Resolution 20-16 and the District application has been approved by the Lt. Governor’s Office,” shares the Commission. “This will be something that will benefit all of us in Daggett County.” The Commissioners also stated that they have encouraged both towns to participate in the local District.