Morgan Walters of Daggett County to Ring The Bell

by | Nov 11, 2020 | News | 0 comments

The community is celebrating a major accomplishment for a young man in Daggett County. Last April, Morgan Walters was diagnosed with a rare bone cancer known as Ewing’s Sarcoma. In the Flaming Gorge Gazette it states “his battle was uphill and he endured 15 rounds of chemo, a grueling 14 hour surgery that required a hip reconstruction and the removal of his fibula bone.” In recognition of how far he has come the school and community held their own “Bell ringing ceremony” on October 29th. He officially gets to ring the bell at the hospital on Tuesday November, 17th as he walks out of the doors after his last treatment. He was declared NED (no evidence of disease) but will still need scans every 3 months for the next five years. The whole of northeastern Utah congratulates Morgan Walters and offers their voice to the go TEAM MIGHTY MO chant.  

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