Flaming Gorge Reservoir is already known for the great fishing that can be had. Usually the goal is to catch the biggest fish one can but the ‘Pup’ulation Control Contest has a slightly different goal. This contest is hosted by Buckboard Marina to make anglers aware of the abundance of small lake trout in Flaming Gorge Reservoir and encourage harvest of these fish. Those who wish to participate register with a $20 fee per angler. They fish starting now and going into mid-June 2021, trying to catch tagged lake trout, which can be turned in to be entered for prizes or immediate cash rewards. There are one hundred bright green external tags that are worth $100 as well as 80 orange external tags from last year that are worth $50. The Wyoming side of Flaming Gorge Reservoir has the highest densities of small lake trout. To maintain the sport fisheries and bring populations back into balance there is a need to harvest small lake trout, more especially those that are less than 25 inches. To learn more about the prizes and rules for the contest, visit Buckboardmarina.net.