Duchesne County School District recognized several people for their efforts in helping the District with reopening plans during their first school board meeting for the new academic year. Teachers Ashley Hawkins and Taren Schilowsky were both awarded for their efforts. “These two have gone so far above and beyond what I could have ever expected,” said Curriculum Director Jason Young. “They’ve done an incredible job, very high quality.” Gina Stevens, Cindy Labrum, and Amy Beynon were awarded for their help in preparing the transportation department for the new school year. “I appreciate the effort, the time that they spend helping us to make sure that our drivers are aware of the requirements and are driving our children safely to and from school,” shared Transportation Director Mike Ross. “We’ve already faced some challenges this summer, but we learned that we can overcome challenges, and these three are leaders in all areas.” Finally, TriCounty Health Director Jordan Mathis was recognized as the District’s Community Partner of the Month. “From about March until now, Jordan has been on speed dial,” said Superintendent David Brotherson. “I appreciate Jordan helping us and being a partner as we move forward.”