The Uintah School District has provided their Draft Reopening Plan Executive Summary for the public to review and offer their feedback on. In a Thursday press release, the District shared that the plan was developed by a COVID-19 Task Force made of numerous staff and community members. The State Board of Education mandated that all school districts create a plan that addressed 49 specific requirements to be submitted to the state board by August 1st. Uintah School District’s plan was presented to the public during a school board meeting that took place on Wednesday evening. The Board decided at the meeting to table the plan so the public could have time to review it and offer their feedback to the Board. The plan provides details on a blended learning model provided by the traditional schools and, for students not able to attend in person, a home-based virtual school will be provided. An Executive Summary of the plan was posted to the Uintah School District Facebook page on Thursday. The summary provides information on what families can expect from Traditional School, Online School, and Social/Emotional/and Academic Support. The link to the survey to offer feedback is available on the Uintah School District Facebook page as well.