School reopening plans are a hot topic in Uintah County and the draft reopening plan for the 2020-2021 school year will be presented to the Uintah School Board tonight in a Special Business Meeting. School districts in Utah are required to develop comprehensive reopening plans that must be approved by the local school board in a public meeting and all plans must be made available to the public by August 1st. The state requires that the reopening plan address the following elements: repopulating schools, communication and training, accommodating individual circumstances such as those who are high-risk, enhanced environmental hygiene and safety, school schedules, implementation of mitigation actions in school settings, monitoring for incidences of COVID-19, containing potential outbreaks, and temporarily reclosing if that becomes necessary. Tonight’s meeting starts at 6pm and is taking place in the Vernal Middle School auditorium. The meeting will also be livestreamed on the ‘USD LiveStream’ YouTube channel.