New Quagga Mussel Law Approved by Wildlife Board

by | Jun 5, 2020 | News | 0 comments

The Utah Wildlife Board met Thursday and approved several changes, including the incorporation of a new law passed this year in Utah aimed at preventing invasive quagga mussels from spreading throughout Utah. The new law includes a $20 fee for non-resident boaters who launch a motorized watercraft on any waterbody in Utah and also requires non-resident boat owners to complete an online education course about preventing the spread of quagga mussels. The new law also requires anyone transporting a boat on a Utah highway to remove all drain plugs from the boat and to drain all water from compartments on the watercraft. Anyone who fails to follow the law could be cited with a class C misdemeanor. The new law takes effect July 1st. Check stations will continue to be utilized throughout the state including in the Uintah Basin. Citations are already being given for either not stopping for inspection or for transporting boats with the plugs still in. 

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