Dinosaur Roundup Rodeo Moving Forward With Event

by | Jun 4, 2020 | News | 0 comments

The Dinosaur Roundup Rodeo announced Wednesday that they will move forward as scheduled on July 9th through the 11th. “The rodeo will be held, with fans at full capacity whether Vernal is in the ‘yellow’ or ‘green’ risk phase,” shares the announcement. “We look forward to providing the best professional rodeo entertainment as we celebrate our 70th year of PRCA ProRodeo! We are grateful for the community support for this event, and the support from our local and state officials. We have worked diligently with our local and state officials, contract personnel, and PRCA headquarters to make this event happen as planned.” Dinosaur Roundup Rodeo is one of the largest events in Uintah County each year and brings over 500 professional contestants and thousands of fans to Vernal. Dinosaur Roundup Rodeo has also been voted among the top rodeos in the PRCA on multiple occasions. Tickets will be available starting June 19th. For more information and tickets, visit vernalrodeo.com

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