2020 Spring Baseball Season Moving Forward For Vernal Youth Baseball League

by | May 19, 2020 | News | 0 comments

The Vernal Youth Baseball League is moving forward with their 2020 Spring Baseball Season. “Governor Gary Herbert announced that the state is now moving the Coronavirus recovery from Orange to Yellow which includes the restrictions allowing youth sports to resume,” shares Vernal Youth Baseball. “With this re-opening there are guidelines and rules we must adhere to. We need to take this seriously and do our best to keep everyone safe.” Games will begin on June 1st and the season will finish by July 17th. Any rainouts will not be rescheduled. A few of the guidelines include: Any visitors, Coaches, or Players who are sick will not be allowed at games or practices. Coaches must check players for Covid19 symptoms prior to games. A distance of 6 Feet needs to be between spectators to honor social distancing rules. Game start and end times will be spread out to allow previous games fans and players to leave the park prior to start times of following games. The complete list of guidelines is on the Vernal Youth Baseball Facebook page. 

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