Vernal Police Responds to Concern Expressed Over Radio Traffic

by | Mar 2, 2020 | News | 0 comments

Vernal Police took time on Sunday to respond to community concerns that appear to be circulating. “On March 1st, 2020, the Vernal City Police Department was made aware of some community concern over police radio traffic heard on a home scanner on February 29th,” shared Vernal Police on Sunday. “The radio traffic included phrases like ‘Shots Fired’ and ‘Suspect Down’. This radio traffic was part of ongoing officer in training scenarios within our department and was being communicated on a car to car channel with the trainee.” Vernal Police explained that the car to car channel is used for officers to communicate day to day operations and is separate so as not to disrupt the emergency main channel. “The Vernal City Police Department takes pride in training our officers to the highest standard,” continues their message, “and puts our officers in training through life-like scenarios to ensure that our officers can communicate in tumultuous situations…If there were a situation like the one described above and there was a public safety concern, we would notify our community using the Code Red notification system.” If you are not currently signed up for the Code Red notification system but would like to be, you can link through the the Vernal PD Facebook post. 

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