Graphic Storytelling Club Preparing Kids to Make Comics

by | Feb 25, 2020 | News | 0 comments

The Uintah County Library has quietly introduced a Graphic Storytelling Club. The club helps members learn skills that surround graphic storytelling, such as basic art principles, character design, storytelling techniques and world building. The club hopes to explore illustration, graphic design, how to storyboard, and of course comic books. In fact, for the next month, the club is helping members to prepare for the upcoming 2nd annual Uintah County Comic Expo, an amateur comic book convention where kids can make a comic book and sell it. This year the library is inviting all amateurs of any age to take part. Comics need to be submitted to the library by March 23rd for approval. The club meets on Tuesdays from 4:30 to 5:30pm. There will also be a special Saturday session on March 7th. Visit the Uintah County Library Facebook page to learn more.

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