Clerk/Auditor on What You Need to Know About the Presidential Primary Election

by | Feb 14, 2020 | News | 0 comments

There’s been some confusion over the Presidential Primary Election coming up March 3rd and Uintah County Clerk/Auditor Mike Wilkins is wanting to set the record straight. Ballots have been mailed out to registered Republicans, registered Democrats, and Unaffiliated voters. Anyone affiliated with a recognized party other than Republican or Democratic did not have a ballot mailed to them. If they wish to receive a Democratic Ballot they can request one because the Democratic Party allows anyone to vote their ballots. They cannot, however, request a Republican Ballot because the deadline has passed to change their affiliation and one must be a registered Republican to vote on the Republican Ballot. Unaffiliated voters received a Democratic Ballot in the mail. If an Unaffiliated voter wishes to vote a Republican Ballot rather than a Democratic Ballot, they can visit the Clerk/Auditor’s office, affiliate themself with the Republican Party and then receive a Republican Ballot. Wilkins recommends that Unaffiliated voters wishing to do this come in to the Clerk/Auditor’s Office sometime before February 28th. Early voting runs February 18th through the 28th and those that have questions or didn’t get a ballot and want some help are welcome to come in. Wilkins also wants people to know it is not too late to register to vote. Visit to see if you are registered or not. If your current address matches the address on your driver’s license you can register right there on the website. If not it will prompt you to print out a form and bring it in to the Clerk/Auditor’s Office with a proof of current address such as a recent utility bill, bank or credit card statement, or tax notice. Wilkins final word of advice is to double check the most recent list of candidates on to make sure the candidate you intend to vote for has not withdrawn. As of Thursday, 2 candidates have officially withdrawn, Democratic candidate Kamala Harris and Republican candidate Roque “Rocky” De La Fuente. There are currently 6 candidates on the Republican Primary Ballot and 16 candidates on the Democratic Primary Ballot. It is possible some candidates may withdraw as the primary election draws closer so make sure to verify online if your candidate of choice is still on the ballot before making your choice. 

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