Genetic Tests Provide Official Documentation of Wolves in Moffat County

by | Feb 14, 2020 | News | 0 comments

The presence of wolves in Moffat County has been a hot topic with some doubting if what was spotted was actually wolves. Biologists with Colorado Parks and Wildlife have now provided the proof of their original announcement. They shared on Thursday that genetic tests have confirmed that four scat samples collected near a scavenged elk carcass in Moffat County came from wolves. The test provides the first official documentation of a pack of wolves in Colorado since the 1940s. The DNA indicated that three of the wolves are female and one is male. The test also determined that all four are likely siblings. “The DNA doesn’t tell us the age,” shares CPW Species Conservation Program Manager Eric Odell. “We don’t know where or when they were born. We can’t say. But that they are closely related wolves is a pretty significant finding…Although previous reports had mentioned sightings of up to six wolves, this doesn’t do anything to alter that estimate. Just because we only collected four scat samples doesn’t mean there were only four animals.”  US Fish and Wildlife reminds all that killing a wolf can result in federal charges, including a $100,000 dollar fine and a year in prison, per offense. The public is urged, however, to contact Colorado Parks & Wildlife immediately and fill out a report if they see, hear or find any evidence of wolf activity in Colorado. 

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