For those involved (or might want to be involved) with 4-H in Uintah County who agree with Charles De Gaulle when he said “The better I get to know men, the more I find myself loving dogs” here is the club for you. A State-Wide Dog Club has been started for all 4-H members who have a passion for our four-legged friends. The club will be based in Weber County but offers virtual content for those a distance away. Any youth that is of the age of 8 to 12 that want to participate need to be an active 4-H member and have the help of a responsible adult. Your dog needs to be up to date on all vaccinations (administered by a licensed veterinarian) and be at least 6 months old to come to practices. They are asking for $5 dollars per dog to assist in the costs of the clinicians, guest speakers, and facilities. To join the club visit your 4-H Online account. Meetings will be every second and fourth Wednesday from 6pm to 8pm for six months ending with a State Dog Show. The club starts this Wednesday, January 8th.