Spring is a time for increased risk on the roads as young drivers deal with distractions while unfortunately, having the lowest seat belt use rate compared to other age groups, according to the Colorado State Patrol. “Keeping up with your kids gets more challenging as they age, but parents are a huge factor in whether or not young drivers choose to buckle up,” states Col. Matthew C. Packard, chief of the Colorado State Patrol. “Finding the right balance between extending freedom and staying involved is key. Talk to your kids about their ongoing driving behavior and model wearing your seat belt.” Col. Packard also shares that without a seat belt, a person is at much greater risk of being ejected from a vehicle or suffering from severe injuries. “Even a crash at 30 miles per hour can kill someone. Whether crashing against an object, like a dashboard, or another passenger in the vehicle, the force can break bones or cause internal damage.” Check in with your young driver about their driving habits and seat belt use.