Uintah County has joined Daggett County in requesting that the BLM reopen a historic road in northeastern Utah. Uintah County Trails Manager Michael Cook presented the request to the Uintah County Commissioners on Tuesday, explaining that Daggett County asked Uintah County to join them in the request to reopen Sears Canyon Road. Sears Canyon Road is the Daggett County side of a road that provides access from Diamond Mountain down to the river, explained Cook, who noted that it has been around for over a hundred years. The Uintah County side of the road is called Mail Draw Road and it remains open while the Daggett County side was closed down in recent years. It was utilized during Uintah County’s annual ATV Jamboree until the BLM shut it down. The Uintah County Commission approved Resolution 02-19-2025-R1 to join in requesting that the BLM immediately initiate the process to reopen Sears Canyon Road.