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Ashley National Forest Burning Slash Piles In Dry Fork And Brownie Canyon Area

by | Mar 4, 2025 | News | 0 comments

Ashley National Forest has announced that fire management personnel are burning slash piles in the area of Dry Fork and Brownie Canyon as soon as Tuesday, March 4th. “The piles to be burned are located along Forest Service Road 031 west of the Dry Fork/Brownie Canyon junction; along the Red Cloud Loop Road near Marsh Bench and Ashley Twin Lakes turnoff; and along the Red Cloud Loop Road south of Sims Peak.

Burning will only occur when a specific set of conditions are met,” shares the announcement. “These conditions include air, soil and vegetation moisture levels, temperatures, wind directions and speeds, smoke dispersal, and expected fire behavior.  If sufficient snow and moisture is not present, fire personnel will move to the higher locations where these conditions exist.” Smoke may be visible to forest visitors and residents in the Dry Fork area. Closure of roads and trails for over-snow travel is not anticipated.

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