Maintenance on Sheep Creek Geological Loop Road

by | Apr 17, 2017 | News | 0 comments

Access to Ashley National Forest will improve with a new project on the Sheep Creek Geological Loop. The road, also known as Forest Service Road 218, will be reconstructed for 1.1 miles near Navajo Cliffs Picnic Area and Carmel Campground. Portions of the road below Palisades Picnic Area will be paved. The Sheep Creek Geological Loop will be closed to through traffic below the Palisades Picnic Area Mondays through Fridays from 7am to 6pm from May 1st through July 1st. It will, however, be open to the public on weekends. The effort is to ensure public safety and access to this unique geological formation. The group effort to repair or reconstruct all 8 miles of the Loop includes the Ashley National Forest, Daggett County, Federal Highways, and the RAC. Past projects have included rotomilling the existing road, enhancing road drainage, chip and seal on 5 miles of roadway, guardrails and road signage, and removal of sloughing hillside.

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