Roosevelt City Autumn Fest 2024 This Weekend

by | Sep 26, 2024 | News | 0 comments

Roosevelt City’s Autumn Fest this weekend is ready to welcome visitors to Constitution
Park primarily for all kinds of fun! The hot air balloons will be out, weather depending,
Friday through Sunday. The launch sites are no drone zones and violations will be
reported to local law enforcement. The Jeep Show will run 4 to 8pm on Saturday with
prizes for the winners. Live music on Saturday evening will be Chris Petersen with
opening acts, Tom Bennett and Bobby and Heather Whitlock. Dust off your running
shoes. Roosevelt City’s Autumn Fest 5K and 1 mile run is happening September 28th.
The 5K starts at 7am and the 1-mile run starts at 8am. The races start at the Roosevelt Jr.
High School west parking lot, the same place that the balloons are taking off, weather
permitting. Link to the full schedule of events on the Roosevelt City Facebook page.

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