Hanna Water And Sewer Water System Expansion Project Comment Period Open

by | Sep 17, 2024 | News | 0 comments

The public comment period for a water system expansion project for the Hanna Water and Sewer District is now open. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency received a request from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for a Clean Water Act Section 401 water quality certification because the EPA acts as the certifying authority in areas of Indian country. This requires applicants for Federal permits and licenses that may result in any discharge into waters of the United States to obtain certification or waiver from the certifying authority where the discharge would originate. The proposed location is listed as near Tabby Swale Road along the Duchesne River in Duchesne County with the Duchesne River listed as the waterway. “The proposed project will install approximately 9,421 linear feet of culinary water line to expand services to the Hanna Water Service Area near the Tabby Swale Road along the Duchesne River. An open cut trench under existing gravel and asphalt roadways will be used to install a high-density polyethylene casing for a polyvinyl chloride water pipeline…Best management practices will be utilized for sediment and erosion control so that excavated material and construction debris will not be wasted in any stream channel or placed in flowing waters, including grease, oil, joint coating, or other possible pollutants. A total of 140 cubic yards of backfill and riprap will be used for this project.” The EPA will accept comments on the project through October 15th. For more information and to submit comments, email R8CWA401@epa.gov with the subject line “401 WQC – NWP 58 – Hanna Water Project”. 

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