Duchesne County Inmate Guilty Of Rape Sentenced To 5+ Years In Prison

by | Sep 17, 2024 | Featured Stories, News | 0 comments

An inmate of the Duchesne County Jail has received an increase in prison time after a Judge heard victim testimony against him from three rape victims. 28-year-old Joshua Lloyd Homer is currently serving a prison sentence in the Duchesne County Jail of up to 5 years for a sex crime against a teen. Earlier this year he was found Guilty of 1 count of 1st Degree Felony Rape that occurred in Davis County in 2015. The original charges in that case included three additional Rape charges, 2 counts of Object Rape, and 3 counts of Forcible Sexual Abuse but those were all dismissed as part of a plea deal. Part of that deal included allowing three victims, out of dozens who claimed that Homer had raped them, to make statements at Monday’s sentencing. Homer will serve at least 5 more years in prison in addition to his current sentence. Homer is also facing charges of 3rd Degree Felony Possessing Contraband in a Correctional Facility and Misdemeanor Obstruction of Justice for giving a fellow inmate in the Duchesne County Jail a cell phone just last month.  

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