Elizabeth Ridge Fire Burning West Of Fish Lake

by | Sep 16, 2024 | Featured Stories, News | 0 comments

A wildfire burning west of Fish Lake in the Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest was called in on Saturday at about 11:30am. The Elizabeth Ridge Fire was initially reported as under 10 acres and moving east. Initial resources on the scene included 16 county engines, 2 Forest Service engines, 3 helicopters, and two 20-person crews. North Slope Road near Elizabeth Pass was closed Saturday and the area near the fire was evacuated. It was reported on Sunday afternoon that the Elizabeth Ridge Fire was mapped at approximately 132 acres and the response had grown to 62 firefighters aided by 4 helicopters dropping water and smaller “seat” fixed-wing airplanes dropping fire retardant. By Sunday night, fire personnel grew to nearly 100. The Elizabeth Ridge Fire is burning in heavy timber near Fish Lake, east of Elizabeth Pass adjacent to the North Slope Road (Forest Service Road 058).

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