2023 Visitors To Dinosaur National Monument Spent $24.1 Million In Region

by | Sep 10, 2024 | News | 0 comments

National Park Service reports that 15.7 million visitors to Utah’s 13 national parks spent $1.9 billion dollars in the state in 2023. The piece of the pie that came to communities near Dinosaur National Monument in the form of visitor spending was $24.1 million dollars. It’s the third year that Dinosaur National Monument has been in that ballpark whereas 2020 was at $16.5 million dollars in visitor spending and the four years before that were all around $18 million dollars. “In 2023, visitors to national parks in Utah spent $3 billion and supported 26,507 jobs in local communities,” shares NPS Intermountain Regional Director Kate Hammond. “Investments into Utah national parks give back to communities and these visitors support the state’s economy.” In 2023, 327 thousand park visitors spent their vacation money on a trip to Dinosaur National Monument. These expenditures supported a total of 336 jobs, $8 million dollars in labor income, $14.6 million dollars in value added, and $28.4 million dollars in economic output in local gateway economies surrounding Dinosaur National Monument.

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