Public Opinion Sought On Historic Gazebo At Ashley Valley Community Park 

by | Sep 3, 2024 | News | 0 comments

The Uintah Special Service District 1 is seeking public opinion on what should be done with the historic gazebo at the Ashley Valley Community Park in Vernal City. The gazebo, located near 500 North and 1000 West, originally served as a dome on top of the Uintah Stake Tabernacle before being donated to the community in the 90’s and renovated into a gazebo at the Ashley Valley Community Park. The Uintah SSD1 announced over the weekend that they need to relocate the gazebo because the base is rotting away, it attracts graffiti, and is not ADA accessible. Community members were asked to share their opinion of what should happen from the following options: 

1- Remove the base and move it to another location. 2- Donate it to a private group or individual to take it for their own use. 3- Raise funds to restore and leave it in the same place. 4-Dispose of it. Uintah SSD1 estimated costs of work to be between $100,000.00 and $200,000 dollars for new cement and restoration. Input is currently being accepted on the Uintah Special Service District 1 Facebook page. 

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