Back To School Safety Message from Vernal Police Department

by | Aug 16, 2024 | News | 0 comments

Ready or not it is back to school time! Uintah School District’s first official day of school is on August 20th, as is Duchesne County School District, while Terra Academy starts on August 22nd. With the weather nice, it is a guarantee that kids Kindergarten through high school ages will be walking, biking, and on scooters on their way to and from their school. With that increase in kids out and about, the Vernal Police Department is urging the community to make safety the top priority. “With school starting next week please be attentive in your driving, refrain from distracted driving, and let’s have a safe start to the school year,” shares Vernal City Assistant Police Chief Keith Campbell. “And for those having children going to school, please go over pedestrian crosswalk safety with your children. Law enforcement will be out in force protecting our schools and school zones as school starts. Please be safe.” 

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