DWR: Archery Hunting Tips

by | Aug 7, 2024 | News | 0 comments

The general-season buck deer archery hunt and the general spike and any-bull elk archery hunts are the first big game hunts of Utah’s fall season, and they all begin Saturday, August 17th. The DWR has some helpful tips as archery hunters prepare to hit the mountain. First, it’s been said that “an elk will hear you three times, they will see you twice, but they will only smell you once!” To know the direction the wind is blowing, you can buy an inexpensive item called a wind or breeze checker. Once you’ve determined the direction of the wind, approach the deer with that direction in mind. You should also be prepared for any weather and should always have a first-aid kit and plenty of water. The weather in Utah’s mountains can change very quickly and go from sunny to snowing in a matter of minutes, so you need to be prepared with adequate clothing and supplies. The DWR urges hunters to remember the safety basics of hunting with a partner and always make sure someone knows where you are and when you will return. For more tips, visit wildlife.utah.gov

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