Referendum Effort Gathers Double Signatures Needed

by | Aug 5, 2024 | News | 0 comments

The signature gathering effort to repeal a 0.3% Sales and Use Tax increase in Uintah County and have the matter placed on the November ballot has concluded and those behind the effort are pleased with the results. Committee member Brian Gorum says the county residents showed up in a big way over the last 45 days. “Over 4400 signatures were gathered and turned into the county by the deadline of August 2nd,” shares Gorum. “This was an overwhelming victory as the number of signatures needed was only 2038.  Whether it was from volunteers collecting door to door or booths at community events or citizens going into businesses to sign, “We The People” came together to let our voices be heard.” The matter is now in the hands of Uintah County as they undergo the process of verifying signatures to determine if the Referendum will in fact be included on the November ballot.  

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