Daggett County Man Charged With Sexual Abuse Of A Minor

by | Jul 22, 2024 | Featured Stories, News | 0 comments

A Daggett County man has been charged in a case of alleged sexual abuse of a minor. 46-year-old Eldon Jimmy Harper was arrested on July 18th after an officer responded to a call reporting sexual abuse of a minor. Harper was waiting at the location with the caller when an officer arrived and he told the officer himself the circumstances of what happened while on a camping trip in the Bowden Draw area of Daggett County. By his own admission he committed the assault in the middle of the night. The caller spoke with the officer separately and reported what the minor had said happened and it was a comparable story to what Harper had said. Harper was arrested and on the ride to the jail he showed the officer the location of the incident. Also during the ride he told the officer that another incident of sexual assault had occurred with the same minor 2 months prior at his home. The contact and following interview and transport were all recorded on the officer’s body camera. Harper is charged with 2 counts of 2nd Degree Felony Forcible Sexual Abuse. The court has ordered for Harper to be held in the Uintah County Jail without the option of bail. 

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