CIB Awards Daggett County Funds For New Medical Clinic

by | Jul 1, 2024 | News | 0 comments

A much needed clinic will finally be constructed in Daggett County after funding lined up to make it a reality. The Daggett County Commission announced in their July newsletter the following: “A portion of mineral lease fees are returned to the Community Impact Board (CIB) to distribute to impacted communities. Daggett County falls under the CIB umbrella. An application was submitted to the CIB board last fall. On June 6th, 2024 we were awarded $7.3 million dollars to construct a much needed new clinic that will add services that have not been available in our county before.” The exciting new facility will include a reservable conference room to allow for what the Commission calls Economic Development strategies. The room will be able to accommodate over 90 people for conferences, conventions, and training programs, among other events. A special thanks was offered to Commissioner Assay, Jesse Platt, Jones and DeMille Engineering and others for their hard work in making the future clinic a reality. 

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