Journey Of Hope Bikes Across Uintah Basin Into Colorado On Way To D.C.

by | Jun 28, 2024 | News | 0 comments

For decades, Pi Kappa Phi fraternity members have cycled across the country on different
routes to raise awareness and understanding for people with disabilities and the North
Route group enjoyed traveling across the Uintah Basin into Colorado this week. The
North Route crew started in San Francisco and on Tuesday the group biked over 86 miles
from Park City to Duchesne. The Duchesne Lions Club welcomed them and lodging was
provided at Duchesne Elementary School. June 26th was Day 18 for the adventure and
the group of impressive young men cycled over 60 miles from Duchesne to Vernal where
they were fed dinner and lodged by the Vernal Utah Elks Lodge #2375. On June 27th the
young men traveled from Vernal to Craig, Colorado where dinner was provided by
Horizon Specialized Services and the group was lodged at the Boys and Girls Club.

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