DWR: Want To Hunt Sandhill Crane, Sage-Grouse, And Tundra Swan In The Fall

by | Jun 27, 2024 | News | 0 comments

Qualifying to hunt most bird species in Utah is simple: buy a combination or hunting license and head afield. The DWR shares, however, that some bird species also require a special permit in addition to a hunting license. Those species include: band-tailed pigeon, greater sage-grouse, sandhill crane, sharp-tailed grouse, tundra swan, turkey, and white-tailed ptarmigan. Permits for greater sage-grouse, sandhill crane, tundra swan and sharp-tailed grouse are available through the Utah hunt drawing. You can apply for permits from July 3rd through the 17th for a chance to hunt these larger, unique birds this fall. “These permits provide a unique opportunity for hunters to pursue species that aren’t widely available everywhere,” shares Utah Division of Wildlife Resources Upland Game Coordinator Heather Talley. “Utah is one of only nine states that allows swan hunting, and sage-grouse can only be found in the western United States. It’s a great chance for people to do something different and have an incredible experience in the outdoors.”

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