DWR: Conservation Permit Program Updated

by | Jun 18, 2024 | News | 0 comments

The Utah Wildlife Board approved a few updates to the Conservation Permit Program during Thursday’s public meeting. “These rule updates should help with more effectively running the program, and will help clarify things for participants of the program,” shares DWR Private Lands Public Wildlife Coordinator Chad Wilson. The DWR announcement explains that conservation permits are offered to conservation and sportsmen groups who then auction them at banquets, fundraisers and other events. “Since 2001, conservation permits have generated more than $80 million dollars for conservation work in Utah,” explains DWR Wildlife Section Chief Covy Jones. “If not for the revenue from these permits, we and our partners would have much less funding to complete high-priority wildlife conservation projects.” The funding has provided enhancement of thousands of acres of habitat and provided for research to help manage big game populations.

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