Final Local WWII Veteran Laid To Rest This Month In Maeser

by | Jun 10, 2024 | Featured Stories, News | 0 comments

Military honors and graveside services were provided this month for a 101-year-old WWII veteran who is believed to be the last WWII veteran that will be buried in the Vernal area. Acel Mark Hall was born in 1922 in Vernal to Mark Moroni Hall and Mary Fontella Stringham. He graduated from Uintah High School in 1941 and enlisted in the Army Air Corp during World War II. He spent the majority of his time training other pilots and was discharged in 1946. After the war, he worked as a flight instructor and was one of the owners of the Basin Flying Service in Vernal. Ace married Jenus Slaugh and the newlyweds moved to Idaho for a few years before settling in Fruit Heights. They raised a family and Ace worked at Hill Air Force Base. While he never lived in Vernal again he brought his family to visit many times over the years. He enjoyed growing up in Maeser and knew that’s where he would one day be laid to rest. The local American Legion records show that Acel Mark Hall is the last of the WWII veterans from the Vernal area expected to be buried in the Vernal area. The graveside service was held on June 1st at the Maeser Fairview Cemetery and included a flyover as part of this WWII veteran’s military honors and graveside service. 

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