Sports Illustrated Includes Dinosaur Roundup Rodeo In Top 6 PRCA Rodeo List

by | Jun 3, 2024 | News | 0 comments

Sports Illustrated has given a shout out to the “greatest show on dirt” moved to Father’s
Day Weekend this year. The sports publication listed the Dinosaur Roundup Rodeo as
number 2 in a list of the top 6 PRCA rodeos this month that have added the most money
to its pot. Number 1 is the Sisters Rodeo in Sisters, Oregon with $120,000 dollars of
added money while Vernal’s Dinosaur Round up Rodeo is number 2 on June 13th through
the 15th with $96,000 dollars in added money. Organizers chose to move the rodeo to
June in order to not compete with other major events during the usual July dates. Tickets
are on sale now and more information is available at

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