Duchesne County Primary Election Update

by | May 31, 2024 | News | 0 comments

The Duchesne County Clerk/Auditor made a special announcement this week sharing that Shelby John Thanye has withdrawn his candidacy for the office of County Commissioner Seat C for the 2024 Primary Election. Any votes cast for Shelby Thayne will not be counted. This leaves Jeffrey Brent Chugg, Bryan Winterton, Clel Robinson, and Tracy W. Ross on the Primary ballot. Chugg was selected as the Duchesne County Republican Party nominee during the Convention in April. The final round of voting was between Chugg and Thayne and Chugg received the majority vote in the 4th round. The Duchesne County Clerk/Auditor Office has confirmed that ballots will be mailed out starting June 4th. In person early voting runs June 18th through the 21st. The ballot postmark deadline is June 24th and the official Primary Election Day is June 25th. 

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