Duchesne County Submits Comments To DEQ On Proposed Rules

by | May 30, 2024 | News | 0 comments

The Duchesne County Commission discussed proposed rules and changes by the Utah Department of Environmental Quality Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control at their Commission meeting and approved comments to be sent in response.
A portion of the letter reads: “We applaud and appreciate all efforts throughout this transition to avoid regulatory overburden. We have seen firsthand the innovation and efficient response the oil and gas industry has taken in addressing waste generated from operations, precisely regarding escaped gas, NOx, and VOCs. Recently, our industry partners have taken on methane with positive results.
We must state our concern over some of the proposed rule changes and new rules as part of the transition to your Division’s oversight of oil and gas production waste. Specifically, our concern is that the regulations proposed in their current form are not explicit enough to mitigate the potential impacts of regular or improper disposal or impoundment of EP waste to both surface and groundwater quality and quantity in Duchesne County. We take any perceived threat to our water and population seriously.”
The Commission approved the letter to be sent to the state as presented by Community Development Deputy Director Mike Gottfredson. 

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