Local students are having special learning experiences. A recent example includes the 7th grade students of Vernal Middle School. Vernal City Manager Quinn Bennion attended the College and Career Awareness class along with other Vernal City employees, including Vernal PD Chief Gledhill. “Students were participating in activities learning about the different careers within our city,” shares Uintah School District. “What a fun couple of days!” Another great activity worth mentioning is the 18th Annual Egg Drop Challenge held last week at Discovery Elementary. The 3rd grade students have been enjoying their Force and Motion Unit, with the egg drop as the highlight. The students had to make a design for their egg that could withstand a 25-foot drop from the roof of the school without breaking the egg. “Our students never fail to impress us with their exceptional designs,” shares teacher Rebecca Ward. “In fact, most of their egg structures defied the effects of gravity and the horrendous wind we had this last Wednesday.” Great job to all the students and the schools and teachers for creating memorable learning activities.