Cattle Kill Count Keeps Going Up In Colorado Due To Wolves

by | Apr 22, 2024 | News | 0 comments

Reports continue to be confirmed of livestock depredation due to wolves in western Colorado. Colorado Parks and Wildlife have issued announcements about the incidents, stating that they are aware of the pack of wolves in the area and they have included wolves that were released in December 2023 and a wolf or wolves with known territory in Wyoming. The latest map that shows tracking information of what ground the wolves have covered show that the wolves have at least traveled through Moffat County, Rio Blanco County, Garfield County, Grand County, Summit County, and Routt County, all in north western Colorado. As of late last week, 6 calves or cows have been killed by wolves this month with reports most recently just miles south of the Wyoming state line. Colorado Parks and Wildlife have shared that they are building the capacity to anticipate and prepare for  predator livestock incidents and are working towards deploying range riders in coming weeks and other tools to help ranchers with non-lethal deterrence. 

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