Vernal Theatre: Live Season Closer Opens This Week; Season 9 Announcements

by | Apr 8, 2024 | News | 0 comments

Peter Pan, the Season 8 closer for Vernal Theatre: Live, opens this week and an additional show has been added due to demand. “Peter Pan has been such a fun show to be a part of!” shares Isaac Merrick who plays Michael in the production. “This experience has really let me get in touch with my inner child and just try and emulate the pure energy and adrenaline that seems to rush through every child’s veins. Let me tell you it’s exhausting and I don’t know how kids do it everyday let alone for 2 hours at night.” Merrick and his castmates agree that community members of all ages are going to love this production of Peter Pan running April 12th through the 20th. Get tickets at Also exciting from Vernal Theatre: Live is the announcement of their first three shows for Season 9. The September show will be ‘Tuck Everlasting’, the October show will be ‘Murder on the Orient Express’, and the December show will be ‘A Christmas Carol’. Season tickets for Season 9 will be available starting May 1st.  

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