Dark Sky Month Being Celebrated This Month

by | Apr 4, 2024 | News | 0 comments

Utah currently leads the world in dark sky preservation with 25 accredited DarkSky International locations and the month of April has been celebrated in Utah as Dark Sky Month since 2021. Steinaker State Park was the fourth state park in Utah to receive Dark Sky designation which took place in 2018. Dinosaur National Monument received its International Dark Sky Certification in 2019 which has increased interest and visitation at the Monument.  “Utah is home to some of the most breathtaking areas in the world, but many people only visit them during the daytime,” shares Utah State Parks Director, Scott Strong. “At our state parks, we offer dark sky programs and tours that help visitors see these areas in a unique way. This not only improves our visitors’ experience but also helps open their minds to a new and exciting activity to participate in moving forward.” Follow Dinosaur National Monument and Steinaker State Park on social media to stay informed on Dark Sky events coming up in the Uintah Basin this year!  

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